We´ve been doing some driving lately, and I´m always so pleased when my dear M drives, so that I can spend my time in the car drawing.

These are three pages from our latest little trip, all done in the car, with an ink pen, a Niji waterbrush and some watercolours. I like drawing in the car, because it forces me to make quick decisions about what to draw. I look out the window, memorize the landscape and then draw more or less from memory. It´s fun, and it´s quick, and I often find a lot of inspiration in these pages afterwards. They are not so thoroughly done (except perhaps for the trees this time, I worked a lot on those), so they leave a lot to imagination. I often find I can make bigger paintings of them later on, or work on the sketches some more, exploring colours or textures or whatever the image invites me to do.

The car is one of the places where the Niji waterbrush does an excellent job. I don´t like painting watercolours with a waterbrush if I can find room for a jug of water and real brushes, but when in a small space, or somewhere crowded, waterbrushes are a must for me. They are very good for smaller sketches, as long as you don´t need big even washes of paint.
16 x 21 cm, Lamy Safari, Noodler´s black and watercolours on Arches Satin watercolour paper.