If you would ask someone living in Stockholm what they think is a typical landmark here, I´ll bet 80 % would say City Hall (Stockholms Stadshus). The rest would go for the Globe arenas (Globen). Both are important parts of the Stockholm silhouette, but if I had to choose a favorite it would definitely be City hall. It is such a cool building. Throwing a glance at it, you think that the wings of the building are somewhat symmetrical. Drawing it, you realize they aren´t. No wall on this building has the same design as any other.
I drew and painted most of it on location, with a Japanese tourist leaning over my sketchbook for about four minutes, smiling and nodding.

After I did the City hall drawing, I took a coffee break at Riddarholmen, and drew these two ladies having a discussion over lunch. It´s a fast drawing, but I think it turned out pretty ok. Added the yellow several days after I did the drawing, to get some kind of background.
Big drawing 16 x 20 cm, small drawing 14 x 8 cm, Lamy Safari, Noodler´s Lexington Grey and watercolours on Arches Satin paper.
Nina, this is a wonderful paainting of Stockholm Stadshus! I am fascinated by your drawinds and paintings of your city because I would love to visit there. It depends on if Rob ever has business meetings there. If we do get a chance to go there, maybe we could even meet for coffee :)
In the meantime, please keep posting more of your beautiful city.
Thanks for sharing!
FANTABULOUS, Nina!!! Detailed and yet so painterly!
I think your watercolor of the city hall is really good. I admire people who are able to do a convincing j ob with architecture, something I have trouble with.
The painting of city hall is gorgeous. The sky, the reflections, the colors...just fabulous.
beautiful rendition of the building. the colors create a nice atmosphere and the water reflection is spot on, i love it!
Always love your building watercolors ... so very inspiring.
Hi Nina,
this painting brings back memories. Some time ago I visited Stockholm and with this great painting i'm right back there. Inspiring work!
wonderful, Nina.
What a beautiful architectural drawing - it's accurate and you've got the perspective right, but it still manages not to be stiff. And I love the yellow background on your black and white sketch - it really adds a lot. I'm going to have to steal that idea....
Nina, I am absolutely speachless. Your blog is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
what a nice painting. I love the reflection!
I'm amazed at how good this one turned out! Based on what you like to draw, you seem to have partially an architect's soul! Love the yellow background on the drawing below as well.
I love this! Your colors and details are awesome!
Wow, Nina, this is terrific! I remember visiting the Stadhuset when we lived in Stockholm, and it was so windy up on the top. I love the reflection in the water. You could sell this, you know, like a small print, and people would buy it. It's really excellent.
Both of these are excellent! I admire you for doing your drawing of the city hall with the tourist over your shoulder. I don't mind people watching me, but someone standing over my shoulder that long would make me nervous! Wonderful work.
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