I had to watch over some students taking a test today, which means sitting still doing nothing for two hours - just about the worst thing anyone could ask me to do at work. Since I became a teacher, I forgot how to sit still and be quiet. I´m used to running around helping people with things, or talking to students or standing in front of a class teaching. Being active. Sitting still with nothing to do makes my brain shut off - I am the one who´s head starts nodding after a while during meetings if I have nothing to say...
There´s nothing better than pen and paper to stay awake at times like this. I had filled a sketchbook page before the two hours came to an end. Added the colours at home in the evening, I figured I´d probably be thrown out if I started painting as well while the students were concentrating on their tests...
12.5 x 15 cm, Micron pen and watercolours on Fabriano Artistico hot press paper.
When you said "doodles" I was expecting a lot of squiggly marks, Nina. Silly me, this is a wonderful, eclectic page of drawings!
Very nice. Is this a student? I love using the micron too.
Way to keep your mind a wake. Susan
I love your 'doodles' Nina, they have such a finished 'designer' feel about them, like they were planned to always end up exactly how they are.
Isnt testing the WORST...i usually draw the kids...this is a great DOODLE...much more than a doodle!!!
Sorry, not doodles - this is an incredible drawing, full of technical skill and huge imagination and creativity!
I have to agree, this isn't my idea of a doodle -- this is a beautifully designed and well executed page! But you can call it a doodle, if you like:)
Amazing...and beautiful...a real statement! :)
I enjoyed your art and narratives!
I love this illustration of yours Nina..yes, I can't call it doodling either! Hope the end is near for your end of year break.
Now, now, you are not supposed to sit still and do nothing, you are supposed to check that the students don't cheat on their tests! ;-)
But I have to say, looking at your beautiful work, I am rather glad that you left the students to their own devices, and concentrated on the drawing instead. Always a pleasure to come visit your blog!
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