I did my second sketchcrawl yesterday, and this time I had the pleasure of having company on my crawl. I met up with a gal named Tine in Gustavsberg just outside Stockholm, and we did a cold but fun sketchcrawl. Gustavsberg, where I haven´t been much before, turned out to be full of interesting environments to draw, and if our fingers had not turned stiff with cold after the second drawing, we would probably still have been sitting there trying to capture it all.
18 x 20 cm, Lamy Safari with Noodler´s Polar Black ink, Deleter Neopiko fineliner, and watercolours on Fabriano Artistico hot press paper.
These building details are fantastic---vibrant etc. What is the size in inches? I'm thinking 18" by 20" is huge---then I see it's centimeters--Such a good eye you have...EJM
You made it FEEL warm with these gorgeous, glowing colors, Nina!
Such precision! I love buildings and these are wonderful! I will study them for a while!
I don't comment every time I come to your work (which is often) but these drawings warrant a written accolade. They are exquisitely colored and so beautiful.
Your sketches inspire.
I think your work is gorgeous. I love the little snippets of your area and in such pretty colors too. It's a treat seeing what you do.
By the way, I did another weekly spread as you suggested. It helps slowpoke me get something bigger done. If you are interested you can see it here.
Gorgeous, your buildings have such depth of character!
Beautiful work as always Nina...Yes, we froze here in England too! LOL!
I nina. I did my first sketchcrawl but i didnt carry the watercolors. Great drawings. Here the wind dont let us to do great details so we have to finish at home. When i have time...
I love your drawings! And the bold use of colour. I'll keep coming back to see what you ar up to:-)
Beautiful, Nina! Those colors just warm my day.
Nina! Those rich colours! I lOVE your buildings!
beautiful paintings!! Love the color!!
I love these. Too bad your fingers got numb, but I've been there before too.
I love how you handle the brickwork. I often struggle with them when I'm out.
Jag är uppvuxen i Gustavsberg och håller med om att det finns mkt intressant att rita/måla av. Känns kul att jag ser var ni har suttit...
Till det viktiga efter mitt svammel: jättefina målningar!
I love the first one
Wonderful how you take a very simple scene and bring it to life. Nice work.
Your work is amazing ! Thank you for the link and the other blogs I discovered in your links!!!
these are amazing. as always the way you depict light is outstanding.
I really need to study how you do your brick---I just love it!
Glad you had fun on your crawl--hard to imagine it being that cold. We crawled in 80 degree sunshine in Austin!
You are very talented! Love your artwork, followed the link from Margaret Ann. Glad I did!
har det sa bra! (I don have any dots on my laptop)
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