Another little watercolour experiment. It´s great fun to do these tiny try-outs, they often end up completely different than I thought they would. That´s what is so great about watercolours - if you stop trying to control them, they will perform wonderful tricks for you!
The principle I had here was trying to get that paint onto the paper without necessarily using a brush. Try it - grab anything that you think could possibly move paint from your palette to the paper, and don´t give up too soon! This took me about two hours, where most of the time was spent waiting for paint layers to dry.
12 x 12 cm, watercolours on Arches 300 gsm watercolour paper (cold pressed, I think).
It's luminous! What fun!
Very cool impressionist effect! Love this experiment.
i think i will try it - feeling very inspired by your example. lovely picture. thanks for sharing :)
Nina! This is stunning!! And the farther away from it you get the more "detailed" it appears! I love your stuff!! deni....;)
Wow - this is amazing. The colours are so subtle and it had a really calming effect on me. I love your other watercolour experiments too.
This is really beautiful!
This is extremely cool! You are so right, if we let the watercolors 'do their thing', it turns out better. I think I'll try it too! Thank you for the inspiration.
wow. this is neato! i may have to try this today.
This is really interesting. Lovely layered effect.
This is so atmospheric - I love it.
Det finns små skumgummi-rollers som man kan måla akvarell eller akryl med och få liknande effekter. Snubblade över din blogg i dag. Wow! Och du delar min passion för Las Palmas - har säkert varit där ett dussin gånger..
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