Thank you so much for all your get-well-wishes, I appreciated each and every one of them! I´ve been invisible for a while, I know, but not because the cold defeated me. I was actually drowning in pens! Man, I had too many pens! I never thought I´d say that, but it´s true. I didn´t even use half of them. Went through some drawers full of them, and threw out 93 pens. I kid you not. 93! And it´s not like I don´t have any pens left now... Doesn´t that seem just a wee bit... obsessive to you?
In the process of clearing out pens I found a Pilot V5 Grip that will stay on for a few more days before I toss it out. It´s nice on this bad paper I´m using right now, but I don´t like the way it skips a line now and then, and I don´t like the fact that it´s not waterproof. It messes up the watercolours.

The bedside table drawing was inspired by Michael Nobbs who draws a lot of stuff around his house. Check him out, you just gotta love his drawings!
12,5 x 17 cm, Pilot V5 Grip on some unknown sketchbook paper.
Nice bedtime table drawing...lots of nice details!
Love the fact you found 93 pens! LOl :)
Welcome back...you have been missed! :)
I've been enjoying your work for awhile now through EDM.
Thank you Nina! Lovely to see what's on your bedside table too.
Glad you're feeling better.
Lovely sketch Nina... love the pen and ink look. :)
I love the drama of the shadows.
Great sketch and glad you're feeling better!
Love YOUR work! The experiments are interesting too. Look forward to end pieces of the project!
Reading about how you threw out 93 pens(!) makes me kinda sad. It's like being at a rock concert and watching as the guitarist smashes his guitar on the ground at the end of a song.
I guess I forgive you on the basis of your drawings being extremely awesome though.
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