When I was a kid, Sweden had two TV channels, Channel one and Channel two. Can you imagine that in these days of TV-channelmania? I used to check the TV pages (make that singular - TV page) in the paper, "nope, nothing good on tonight", so the TV often stayed turned off.
Do you know what that gets you? TIME! Time to do good stuff with.
The other night I got stuck in front of the ol´telly again, only this time I turned it off after a while and drew it instead. We have the old fat kind of TV. It´s a bit dated by now, I guess. You can´t change the aspect ratio on it and it turns a little green every now and then. But watching it closely like this for a while made me realize why I like this one better than the new flat screens with all their Fancy Functions: it has an oldfashioned on/off button that actually turns the damn thing completely OFF, not just into standby mode. That little wonder is a real time saver.
17 x 22 cm, Lamy Safari with Noodler´s black ink, watercolours and coloured pencils on Arches satinée watercolour paper (sketchbook page).
With the cable tv package we have here at the house we have over 100 channels available...and most of the time there is nothing on. I work from home and end up working on projects as deadlines are always after me. I probably should stop at the end of the day and draw.
These are terrific, Nina! I love the attention to texture and detail in your sketches: the wood of the cabinet, the shine on the tv screen (ours has an LCD screen and you can't make out the picture if you're lower than a certain level ... makes my favourite late-Saturday-night pastime of lounging on the floor to watch tv impossible) ... When I was a kid, we (in the UK) only had 3 channels, one of which was too dull and serious to appeal to children. Now we have dozens, but there is very little I care to watch.
Love this...pure and simple...color of the individaul books on the bookshelf is great. :)
I love these—the detail is wonderful! TV has come a long way. I was my father's first remote control, "Nancy, change the channel to 5." "Nancy, turn up the volume." :-D
Great sketches nina...love all of them, especially your books, and of course that tv. Beuaitful linework and great colours, like your work always has! You're right, there are so many channels to choose from now, but nothing special is offered...I like the nat. geographic channels sometines...
Damn, these are brilliant again, Nina. Loving the book shelf. Love the tv too. I love'em all!
i suffered from the same trouble and i was so more happy! i was more interested for everything that was new to me. today i now that if i dont see that program in that hour i know that i can see it a few hours or days later. generally i forgot.
Your artwork is fantastic. Your drawings are very good and your use of color is amazing. Your stuff is so easy to look at.
You are so talented...I just love love love everything you do!
Beautiful work, Nina.
We never connected to the cable and still have only about 6 or 7 channels.
Love these Nina...the coffee looks so yummy!
...so pleased you turned off the TV...
Love the title. Its very true.
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